Qualification Tools
Here you find our tools that support tool qualification.
In order to use tools and libraries safely and to simplify the qualification tasks (test automatization, report generation, safety cases,..) tools can be used. Validas offers some tools and frameworks to support qualification. Some of them are freely available and can be downloaded from this page.
Tool Chain Analyzer (TCA)
TCA is a tool to analyse and classify tools and tool chains. TCA allows to model all qualification relevant information and to generate all qualification related documents compliant to safety standards. See also TCA for more information.
You can get a trial version of the TCA after a free training session with one of our employees. If you are interested in our product and a free training session how to use it, please contact E-Mail
Tool Qualification Kit (QKit)
A tool qualification kit (QKit) for a critical tool is a tool specific product, that can be used to qualify the tool in order to allow the tool to be used safely. The tool qualification is done automatically using the so called qualification support tool (QST), which also generates all required qualification documents. The QKits (see here) are products of tool providers or tool distributors. Validas AG uses a generic framework (based on the TCA tool) to build tool-specific QKits.
For more information, please contact the product-owner E-Mail
C Library QKit (Lib-QKit)
A library QKit is a library specific tool, supporting the library user to qualify the library compliant to safety standards in the environment of the library user including the selected target. Qualification is done automatically and generates all required qualification documents. Validas uses a growing framework (based on TCA and test generators) to create customer specific, library and target specific library QKits. The framework is continuously growing by new library functions. This simplifies the Lib-QKits to grow based on the customer wishes.
For more information, please contact the product-owner E-Mail
Test Automation Unit (TAU)
TAU is a part of every QKit. TAU enables you to run the tests for the product (tool / library) on the target. TAU is implemented using Python and can be easily adapted to different tools, libraries and targets. TAU is integrated into QST but can also be integrated into Jenkins directly.
For more information, please contact the product-owner E-Mail
Process-Modelling-Tool (PMT)
PMT is a tool for modelling, validation and documentation of safety related processes. It has been used successfully to certify Validas tool qualification processes from TÜV, see certificate. PMT generates the safety plan with process description, the compliance report and the verification and validation plan for VVT. More information about PMT can be found here.
PMT can be downloaded here. Sources will be opened soon.
The current version of PMT (version 1.5) is available here:
For more information, please contact the product-owner E-Mail
Verification- and Validation Tool (VVT)
VVT supports you during V&V starting from generic V&V Plan (generated from PMT) until the project specific V&V Report. V&V Report is generated after checking consistency and completeness of V&V activities. V&V Report completes and documents your safety case. VVT is used from Validas to generate V&V Reports for QKits to document their standard compliance.
More information about VVT can be found here.
VVT has been developed with the research project SPEDIT (BMBF) and can be downloaded here. Sources will be opened soon.
For more information, please contact the product-owner E-Mail