The Qualification Support Tool (QST) supports the qualification of tools and libraries by automatizing the following steps:

  • Planning the qualification (use cases)
  • Selection of environment & configuration parameters
  • Execution of test cases using the Test Automation Unit (TAU)
  • Generation of qualification documents and safety manuals

The QST does the work in compliance with main safety standards (IEC 61508, ISO 26262,..) and contains process descriptions as well as compliance reports.

QST can be used to qualify:

  • Tools (single tools or tool chains)
  • Libraries
    • Pre-existing/unchanged SW components
    • Newly developed SW components

QST can be adapted to any tool (commercial / inhouse / open source) by creating the corresponding tool/library model using the TCA tool. TCA tool and TAU are included in the QST. Validas supports you in configuration of QST to qualify your tool/library.

See here for more information about qualification services.