Name: Bonifaz Maag

Title: Tool Classification From a Tool Chain Perspective – Experiences


Today, it is common understanding that software tools play a vital and critical role in development and production of automotive electronics. ISO 26262 addresses that by requiring "Confidence in the use of software tools". Depending on the given development context (tools used, processes applied, maximum ASIL that can be violated, ...), different tool confidence level are required. And the consequence of the resulting tool confidence level and the development context are often qualification methods that need to be implemented. ISO 26262 clause 11 of part 8 describes the objectives of confidence in use and requirements and recommendations. It lists qualification methods, too.

Meanwhile the industry gained experience in implementing ISO 26262 on a broader scale. And as with many other things we understand that solutions that work well in one situation can't be transferred (easily) to another context. The purpose of that presentation is to describe approaches for managing confidence in use and to give examples we have seen. It also describes how confidence can be built by balancing process measures, automatically verifying tool outputs, providing tool qualification aids, and - last but not least - still facilitating an sustainable engineering environment. Smart solutions do not only make engineering more robust. They also can be implemented with limited effort and still allow engineers to work efficiently.

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